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Subject: Re: Jaki link?
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[ ukryj nagłówki ]On Thursday, 2 September 2021 at 21:14:40 UTC+2, a a wrote:
> On Thursday, 2 September 2021 at 21:10:48 UTC+2, Jacek wrote:
> > W dniu 02.09.2021 o 21:01, a a pisze:
> >
> > Dzięki, ale szukam linku bez instalacji żadnego programu.
> > Widziałem kiedyś, że wchodzi się na stronę www (jaki adres?) i przy
> > pomocy tej strony robi się "film", co po kolei klikać, żeby uzyskać
> > zamierzony efekt.
> > Jacke
> Mouse Tracking and Logging in JavaScript | Isaac Jordan
> https://isaacjordan.me/blog/2015/10/javascript-mouse
> 23 Oct, 2015 o Code example and tutorial on how to create a simple mouse tracker
and logger for web pages using JavaScript. I recently had to create a small web
application for university that was required to track user's mouse movements and
interactions. I could use any existing libraries I wanted, but had to keep it
> Session Replay script - Key, Mouse logger
> https://datacadamia.com/ui/keylogger
> Session Replay script - Key, Mouse logger. Home; User Interface ( GUI ) Table of
Contents. Session Replay script - Key, Mouse logger. About. Key. Documentation /
Reference. About. Session replay scripts are used by companies to gain insight into
how their customers are using ...
> mouse-logger 1.0.0 on npm - Libraries.io
> https://libraries.io/npm/mouse-logger
> Desktop mouse events logger - 1.0.0 - a package on npm - Libraries.io. Behametrics
- Web Logger. This is a JavaScript library that allows collecting (logging) events
from pointing devices (mouse, touchpad) such as movement and clicks, events from
keyboards (key presses and releases) and events from mobile devices (touch screen,
accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer).
> mouse - Java mouseclick logger - Stack Overflow
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18443038
> 26.08.2013 ? Hi I want to build on java mouse click logger. I need to print the
coordinates of mouse clicks in a file. Can you tell me how I can make this. Which
APIs to use some examples or links. I need to get all the mouse clicks not only in
one window. java mouse. Share. Improve this question.
> Powershell Script to keep the mouse moving ? GitHub
> https://gist.github.com/MatthewSteeples/ce7114b4d348
> ----- Guys I am on Windows 10 used to rdp into my system but there is 5 min auto
lock which will lock the windows session and take me back to windows lock screen. how
can I avoid this. I used the mouse movement script above but it required the mouse
pointer to be on the same remote session window.
a może to
jest on-line i wiele skryptów można uruchamiać i testowac on-line
albo zainstaluj plugin do swojej przeglądarki i zrobi to co potrzebujesz
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