
eGospodarka.plNieruchomościGrupypl.misc.budowanieRe: Nigeryjska zabawaRe: Nigeryjska zabawa
  • Path:!!!!newsfeed.!.POSTED!not-for-mail
    From: giecik <>
    Newsgroups: pl.misc.budowanie
    Subject: Re: Nigeryjska zabawa
    Date: Fri, 31 Jul 2015 22:36:32 +0200
    Organization: ATMAN - ATM S.A.
    Lines: 36
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    Xref: pl.misc.budowanie:503195
    [ ukryj nagłówki ]

    W dniu 2015-07-30 o 16:56, Kris pisze:
    > Na OLX wystawiłem telefon. Cena 1200zł
    > dostałem meila od gościa z Nigerii że on kupi ze da 500euro
    > 500euro dobra cena więc zgodziłem się;)
    > Gość poprosił o dane z nr konta do wpłaty-wysłałem
    > Nigeryjczyk odpisał że zlecił przelew- więc ok
    > W kolejnym meilu otrzymałem potwierdszenie z banku Royal Bank Online ze sa gotowi
    wysłać przelew(treść przekopiuje niżej):
    > Solidny ten bank bo dbają o to aby ich klienta nie oszukać i kase przeleją dopiero
    jak podam nr przesyłki/potwierdzenie nadania.
    > Nr przesyłki zaraz im wysle zobaczymy co dalej;)
    > "Dear Valuable Customer: ,
    > We are so glad to inform you as a result of transfer update.
    > We are currently reviewing the transfer of the full payment of **EUR500.00 EUR**
    from our client, the buyer of your auction items **Mr. Paul Smith**, we got a call
    from your buyer and ours' work is to get this across to you immediately.
    > We Once Again Congratulate You From Royal Bank Online Money Transfer Department
    That Your Money Has Been Approved and it is Ready to be Transfer to Your Bank Account
    Since we Have Verify the Shipment Tracking Number and We Would Like to tell you that
    Your Money Would be Transfer To Your Bank Account In The Next 24/48 Hours and Once We
    Transfer it To Your Bank Account We Would Contact You Via Your Email Address to Let
    You Know so that You can check Your Bank Account With Your Bank And Confirm Your Bank
    Account Has been Activated.
    > ****ATTENTION****
    > We were ordered to do this by the United Kingdom government to cancel fraud from
    Online business. We assure you 100% of getting your money once you make the shipment
    and send the full shipment document to us.
    > We have been making these such payments for a very long time but we later
    discovered that sellers at times will receive money without shipping the items to the
    buyer.So we have really taken a great measure to reduce these risk and as a result we
    with-hold the money as soon as the buyer makes the transfer the shipment scanned
    receipt must be send to us from the seller so that we can curb the process of fraud
    and scams through this internet transaction and also protect our Good name...
    > We will send you the password for the release of the money to your accounts after
    you have sent the scanned receipt of shipment to Alternatively you can send it to
    our account section with the contacts provided
    > We really appreciate your prompt responses over the days and we will keep our
    promises to ensure this bank serves you better.
    > You can now go ahead now to ship out the item to **Mr. Paul Smith**
    > The ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND MANAGEMENT will send you the password to activate your
    bank account within the next 72 hours of your sending the evidence of shipment to Our
    > Thanks For Using Royal Bank Of Scotland(R) Online Transfer."
    Podobna sprawa
    Gościu wysłał im solidną kupę :)

    Paczka awizowana i prawdopodobnie nie odebrana

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