
eGospodarka.plNieruchomościGrupypl.misc.budowanieW Hameryce obniżają napięcie w sieci, aby zmniejszyć zużycie energiiRe: W Hameryce obniżają napięcie w sieci, aby zmniejszyć zużycie energii
  • Data: 2022-11-09 20:28:28
    Temat: Re: W Hameryce obniżają napięcie w sieci, aby zmniejszyć zużycie energii
    Od: Zenek Kapelinder <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]

    środa, 9 listopada 2022 o 20:16:42 UTC+1 napisał(a):
    > On Wednesday, 9 November 2022 at 16:30:29 UTC+1, a a wrote:
    > > On Wednesday, 9 November 2022 at 15:22:29 UTC+1, wrote:
    > > Idź się wysrać z rana
    > > a jak masz problemy, pisz do Bidena
    > Mains power voltage drop to reduce usage?
    > Subscribe
    > Commander Kinsey's profile photo
    > Commander Kinsey
    > unread,
    > 6 Nov 2022, 15:23:34 (3 days ago)
    > to
    > Instead of rolling blackouts when there's a power shortage, why don't we just allow
    (or deliberately) the voltage and frequency to drop? Wouldn't that make a lot of
    devices use less?
    > Commander Kinsey's profile photo
    > Commander Kinsey
    > unread,
    > 6 Nov 2022, 15:23:34 (3 days ago)
    > to
    > danny burstein's profile photo
    > danny burstein
    > unread,
    > 6 Nov 2022, 15:29:45 (3 days ago)
    > to
    > In <o...@r...home> "Commander Kinsey" <> writes:
    > >Instead of rolling blackouts when there's a power shortage, why don't we just
    allow (or deliberately) the voltage and frequency to drop? Wouldn't that make a lot
    of devices use less?
    > In the US that's a common technique the utilites use
    > called a "brownout" [a]. They'll drop the voltage
    > by five or even ten percent.
    > As to whether this makes any difference with power demand
    > these days, given the types of loads, is another story.
    > [a] that term is often misused to refer to "shedding load",
    > where a power company will black out some sections of the
    > grid to keep everything else up and running.
    To chcesz te kredki czy kartony czy nie chcesz?

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