Data: 2011-08-16 17:44:55
Temat: Re: Ciekawe jak tam Werbinskiego gieldowe zyski?
Od: Jaroslaw Berezowski <p...@g...pl> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
[ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]Dnia Mon, 15 Aug 2011 00:41:45 +0200, Maniek4 napisał(a):
> A czemu nie opublikowal? Wyluskaj jakis wartosciowy kawalek ktory Ciebie
> przekonal
No mnie zaskoczyło to:
In addition to cancelling the redemption of dollars into gold, Roosevelt
in 1933 committed another criminal act: literally confiscating all gold
and bullion held by Americans, exchanging them for arbitrarily valued
"dollars." It is curious that, even though the Fed and the government
establishment continually proclaim the obsolescence and worthlessness of
gold as a monetary metal, the Fed (as well as all other central banks)
clings to its gold for dear life. Our confiscated gold is still owned by
the Federal Reserve, which keeps it on deposit with the Treasury at Fort
Knox and other gold depositaries. Indeed, from 1933 until the 1970s, it
continued to be illegal for any Americans to own monetary gold of any
kind, whether coin or bullion or even in safe deposit boxes at home or
abroad. All these measures, supposedly drafted for the Depression
emergency, have continued as part of the great heritage of the New Deal
ever since. For four decades, any gold flowing into private American
hands had to be deposited in the banks, which in turn had to deposit it
at the Fed. Gold for "legitimate" non-monetary purposes, such as dental
fillings, industrial drills, or jewelry, was carefully rationed for such
purposes by the Treasury Department.
Fortunately, due to the heroic efforts of Congressman Ron Paul it is now
legal for Americans to own gold, whether coin or bullion. But the ill-
gotten gold confiscated and sequestered by the Fed remains in Federal
Reserve hands. How to get the gold out from the Fed? How privatize the
Fed's stock of gold?
To już w naszej komunie lat 80tych było lepiej z dowolnością wyboru
pieniądza - nielegalnie, ale tak "bezalkoholowo".
Jaroslaw "jaros" Berezowski
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