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[ ukryj nagłówki ]On Tuesday 19 December 2023 at 02:38:54 UTC+1, Zenek Kapelinder wrote:
> poniedziałek, 18 grudnia 2023 o 21:45:48 UTC+1 a a napisał(a):
> > On Monday 18 December 2023 at 20:46:42 UTC+1, Pete wrote:
> > > W dniu 18.12.2023 o 18:34, Myjk pisze:
> > > > Sun, 17 Dec 2023 17:16:34 +0100, nadir
> > > >
> > > >> Którzy to są ci wszyscy? Byłem w 4-5 salonach różnych marek
> > > >> i pytałem konkretnie o zasięgi kilku modeli elektryków, nikt się nie
> > > >> zająknął, że zimą zasięg może spaść o nawet 30%.
> > > >
> > > > Ja też byłem wszyscy powiedzieli że zasięg
> > > > oczywiście spada w czasie ogrzewania.
> > > Ale mówili, że o połowę czy mówili ogólnie, że spada? ;)
> > > >
> > > >> Jedynie co, to czasem rzucą teksem z broszurki, typu:
> > > >> "Zasięg został określony zgodnie ze znormalizowaną procedurą pomiarową
> > > >> UE (WLTP). Indywidualny styl jazdy i inne czynniki, takie jak prędkość,
> > > >> temperatura zewnętrzna, topografia i wykorzystanie urządzeń
> > > >> pobierających energię elektryczną, mają wpływ na rzeczywisty zasięg i
> > > >> mogą go zmniejszyć."
> > > >
> > > > I czego tutaj nie rozumiesz? Jak kupujesz spaliniaka to też ci nie mówią
> > > > że jak zaczniesz butować od świateł do świateł,
> > > Tak jak w elektryku.
> > > że w zimie jak ogrzewasz
> > > > kabinę to spalanie wzrasta
> > > Dwukrotnie, jak w elektryku? :D
> > >
> > > Chyba Ci się od tej elektryczności coś pozajączkowało, akurat ogrzewanie
> > > kabiny jest ciepłem odpadowym.
> > > >, jak używasz klimy w lecie to spalanie też
> > > > wzrasta?
> > > o 5%. A o ile w elektryku?
> > > Bo ja znam gości, którzy w zimie jeżdżą lodówkami, żeby dojechać do celu :)
> > >
> > > P.S.
> > > Ww. to były pytania retoryczne :P
> > >
> > > --
> > > Pete
> > Elektryki w klimacie mroźnej i śnieżnej zimy to fake i hoax
> > i oszustów powinni aresztować
> >
> > Elektryk nie ma ciepła spalania paliwa , używanego do ogrzewania kabiny.
> >
> > A podczas mrozów, aby ogrzać 2-3-4 m3 kabiny
> >
> > to 1 kW przez godzinę może wystarc zy, ale to ogrzeanie trzeba podtrzymywać, bo
kabina na mrozie się wychładza, a kierowca oddechem ogrzeje niewiele.
> >
> > Wystarczy wsadzić do elektryka grzejnik elektryczny podczas mrozów i sprawdzic
> > ile energii
> >
> > Ale strata energii na ogrzewanie elektryka podczas mrozów jest ewidetna.
> >
> > I jeszcze gorzej z elektrycznymi autobusami, bo tam kubatura do ogrzania to 50 m3
> > a szyby , blacha nie izolują
> Google spytane o ogrzewanie w autobusach odpowiedziało
> "Żeby pasażerom było ciepło, w specjalnym piecu spalana jest ropa. Dlatego autobusy
elektryczne, choć mają być zeroemisyjne, wcale takie nie są. - Właściwie nie ma
autobusów elektrycznych, które nie miałyby ogrzewania na ropę. Piec jest uruchamiany,
kiedy temperatura spada poniżej 5 stopni Celsjusza."
Kucharski sprowadza chińskie autobusy elektryczne to go zapytaj, czy wyposażone w
webasto na ropę
To może Tesla też ma ukryte ogrzewanie na ropę ?
Jak Tesla zbankrutuje, to Chińczyk zaoferuje elektryki ocieplane steropianem.
Powiedz gógle , że jest gópi jak but
Jest w elektrycznych autobusach webasto, ale jako elektryczny grzejnik 10-12 kW
Busworld 2023: Webasto bundles electric heating and air-conditioning technology for
thermal management in electric buses
Under the motto "We electrify your bus together," the electromobility systems partner
is exhibiting an intelligent combination of individual electrical components to
create a scalable thermal management system.
September 27, 2023
Tu czytaj
"Whether in electric minibuses or city buses - Webasto's High-Voltage Heaters (HVH)
convert electrical energy into heat at an efficiency close to 100 percent. At the
Busworld Europe exhibition in Brussels from October 7 to 12 (Hall 7, Booth 7113) the
company is exhibiting the latest members of its HVH family that deliver 10 and 12
kilowatts (kW) of heat output respectively. These are the second generation models of
the world's first 800-volt heater to enter series production. Together with the new
CoolTop 80-e (CT 80-e) electric rooftop air-conditioner, the heating and cooling
units form the basis for feel-good temperatures all year round - from the driver's
cab to the passenger cabin. In conjunction with the intelligent Cronus Smart control
unit, Webasto also combines various components from its heating and air-conditioning
technology portfolio to create the centrally controllable electric Thermal Management
(eTM) system, which keeps both the traction batteries and the passenger cabin at the
ideal operating temperature.
Pioneering electric heating
The new models allow Webasto to offer efficient electric heating solutions for all
conceivable application scenarios. The HVH 100 Compact and the HVH 100 Compact + each
offer a heat output of 10 kilowatts. With a height of just 7 centimeters, they are
smaller than a DIN A4 sheet of paper and designed to operate at a voltage range of
between 250 and 880 volts. Communication takes place via LIN bus, which facilitates
the heater's technical integration into the vehicle.
The HVH 100 Compact + models with a heat output of 10 kilowatts and the HVH 120 with
an output of 12 kilowatts are also compatible with the CAN-protocol. Their compact
housing and flexible connectivity options offer manufacturers many options for easily
integrating the units into their vehicles. Thanks to precise and virtually stepless
control of the maximum output and target temperature, the High-Voltage Heaters always
operate at maximum efficiency.
A special heating layer bonded onto the heat exchanger means that they not only
deliver heat at the touch of a button, but can also be safely discharged in a
fraction of a second by actively discharging the intermediate circuit capacitors.
Webasto's High-Voltage Heaters are protected against cyber attacks in accordance with
ISO 21434 while functional safety is ensured in accordance with ISO 26262. Webasto
specifies a service life of at least 15,000 hours or 15 years for its electric
Electric air conditioning technology premiere
Webasto is exhibiting its first all-electric rooftop air conditioner for small buses:
the CoolTop 80-e (CT 80-e) with a cooling capacity of 7.5 kilowatts. The air flow
rate of the CT80-e is 2,100 cubic meters of air per hour and the unit optionally
features a PEPA-F air filter that removes even the smallest particles from the air,
including viruses. This compact powerhouse operates in the high-voltage range between
200 and 430 volts and is designed for temperatures from -20 to +45 degrees Celsius.
Webasto uses the latest R1234yf coolant to ensure environmentally friendly operation.
Heating and air conditioning technology from a single source
Webasto's electric Thermal Management (eTM) system is a modular solution comprising
electric heating and air conditioning technology that controls traction battery
thermal management as well as ensuring a feel-good climate for passengers and
drivers. For the first time, the company is combining a range of individual
components to match the eTM to the heating requirements of the respective vehicle
type. The system is based on a heat pump which, in combination with heat exchangers,
High-Voltage Heaters, underfloor heating and electric rooftop air conditioners,
ensures pleasant temperatures in all areas of the vehicle. Peak energy efficiency
values are achieved thanks to the high efficiency of the air-conditioning technology
employed and intelligent heat recovery from the electric motor. E-vehicles featuring
electric thermal management achieve up to 40 percent greater range because the
traction batteries are maintained at a uniform temperature in summer and winter
alike. The flexible design options offered by the scalable system, combined with its
simple implementation, also assure manufacturers of rapid vehicle integration.
Greater electric range with Range Plus
Another highlight of Webasto's appearance at the exhibition is Range Plus. For
electric minibuses and vans, the retrofittable air heater - along with its associated
tank - forms a separate heating circuit in the vehicle which relieves the load on the
traction batteries in winter. Range Plus is compatible with the sustainable HVO fuel
and the system delivers an increase in the overall range of e-minibuses by up to 80
kilometers in the cold season.
"At Busworld 2023, Webasto is underlining its corporate identity as a systems partner
for e-mobility. Our Standard Battery System is already powering a large number of
electric special-purpose vehicles. It is only logical for us to add fully
comprehensive thermal management solutions to our portfolio. This will allow us to
increase both vehicle performance and on-board comfort," comments Heike Niehues,
Executive Vice President Webasto Customized Solutions. "On the one hand, our
customers benefit from optimally matched components and corresponding expertise in
the field of electrification, while on the other, we provide a broad range of
services to closely support customers' electrification projects right from the
SOURCE: Webasto
Następne wpisy z tego wątku
- 19.12.23 07:40 Cavallino
- 19.12.23 07:42 Kris
- 19.12.23 15:47 Myjk
- 19.12.23 16:51 a a
- 19.12.23 21:24 Pete
- 19.12.23 21:57 Pete
- 19.12.23 23:13 Mateusz Viste
- 20.12.23 00:08 nadir
- 20.12.23 01:22 nadir
- 20.12.23 06:55 Tomasz Gorbaczuk
- 20.12.23 07:49 Cavallino
- 20.12.23 07:54 Cavallino
- 20.12.23 09:37 Myjk
- 20.12.23 09:37 nadir
- 20.12.23 09:53 Myjk
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